Canadian Taxpayers Federation reacts to nationalization of Trans Mountain pipeline expansion

Author: 2018/05/29

OTTAWA, ON: Canadian Taxpayers Federation (CTF) Federal Director Aaron Wudrick released the following statement in response to the Trudeau government’s decision to nationalize the Trans Mountain pipeline expansion:

“This decision represents both a colossal failure of the Trudeau government to enforce the law of the land, and a massive, unnecessary financial burden on Canadian taxpayers.

This move sets a terrible precedent and signals to other prospective investors that large projects such as pipelines cannot be built by private industry in Canada.

Worst of all, the cost and risk of a $7 billion project that was going to be willingly financed entirely by a private company will now be unnecessarily transferred onto the backs of Canadian taxpayers.”

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Franco Terrazzano
Federal Director at
Canadian Taxpayers

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